Air monitoring at indoor motor-car parkings. Gas detectors for parking lots.
An important aspect of the operation of underground and indoor motor-car parkings is to ensure the safety of people from exposure to toxic substances contained in the exhaust gases of car engines (carbon monoxide).
Typical Project for installing a gas detector in a motor-car parking*
Detailed Description of the Composition, Assembly, and Programming of the SKVA-3 System manufactured in the “INKRAM” LLC Research and Production Company
An important aspect of the operation of underground and indoor motor-car parkings is to ensure the safety of people from exposure to toxic substances contained in the exhaust gases of car engines (carbon monoxide).
For this, in underground and indoor motor-car parkings located in residential complexes, in shopping and entertainment centres, where cars are moving and stopping with a working engine, it is necessary to continuously monitor the level of gas pollution in the air by installing gas detector for parking with a control function of ventilation modes when exceeded threshold concentrations of carbon dioxide, alarm about exceeding thresholds and issuing commands to stop car engines and evacuate people therefrom.
In the regulatory framework of the construction complex of Moscow, the requirements for gas-detecting control in the air of motor-car parkings are determined by the SNiP 21-02–99 “Motor-Car Parkings. Occupational Safety and Health. Safety precautions”, which indicates that “in closed motor-car parkings, the installation of instruments for measuring the concentration of CO and corresponding signalling devices for monitoring CO, in a compartment with round-the-clock personnel duty, shall be provided for.
Ample opportunities for the implementation of the above functions are represented by the SKVA-01M or SKVA-03,multichannel gas monitoring and control systems implemented as a distributed network. This system architecture provides for many advantages compared to the capabilities of traditional multi-channel gas detectors, namely:
The gas detecting system for parking lots, car parks, and motor-car parkings consists of sensors installed at control points, and the secondary device is an Alarm and Control Module (ACM) collecting information from all sensors. The secondary device is installed in a human controlled control room.- inclusion in the system of nearly any quantity of transducers to monitor carbon monoxide;
- programming of a gas-detecting complex taking into account individual architectural features along with the providing for a control algorithm at the object;
- low unit cost of the measurement channel;
- implementation of remote control functions by the system, which allows to abandon the development of special automation cabinets;
- reduction of cable production consumption during installation, by 3 to 4 times;
- RS485, USB output interfaces, as well as the ability to include cbcntv in the SCADA Control System along with the transmission of measurement data via MODBUS protocol.
Alarm and Control Module Screen
When installing sensors in parking lots, car parks, and motor-car parkings, garages, you shall follow the TU-GAZ-86 “Requirements for the Installation of Gas Detector Sensors” document:
Since 2009, the “INKRAM” LLC Research and Production Company has produced and designed over 100 CO monitoring systems at underground parking lots of residential buildings, office- and business centres.
We are always happy to help you in choosing a gas detecting system.
* Projects may contain references to documents lapsed due to the constant updating of the regulatory framework. Be careful and update the information.